Sjoatur TKK (22-24/09/2017)

River pic by Jakob.

Franconia (09-18/09/2017)

Traveling to Erlangen to attend the annual meeting of the German Society for Immunology.
And to climb a favorite rock.

Nordlys (08/09/2017)

Nordlys (02/09/2017)

The season is on!

Oppdal Elvefestival (26-27/08/2017)

Snøhetta (19-20/08/2017)

Tourist agenda: Picnic at fantastic Snøhetta viewpoint and a stroll around Snøheim.


Olavsgruva, Røros (19/08/2017)

Tourist agenda: Røros.


Nidelva (18/08/2017)

Introducing Bini's mom to river paddling.

Science Sets Sail (02-10/08/2017)

The most unusual setting for me to discuss science yet!
On invitation of FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg I could swap the lab (in my everyday life I am postdoc at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) with the baltic sea for 8 days. In Tallinn, Estonia I boarded the three-mast schooner Thor Heyerdahl, aptly named after the Norwegian explorer, on leg 3 of its Science Sets Sail journey

Tallinn (01/08/2017)

Pleasant evening stroll through Tallinn before I will board the sailing ship Thor Heyerdahl tomorrow on leg 3 of its Science Sets Sail journey from Tallinn to Gdansk
Looking forward!


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