
Bunker views (13/11/2018)

Hitra III: Clouds (10/11/2018)

Only a hint of green on Saturday between the clouds.

Hitra II: Brottpadletur (09-10/11/2018)

Brottpadletur to Hitra with Trondheim Kajakkklubb. So beautiful there. Did not manage to take pictures of the sea eagles and the sea otter unfortunately.
Paddle pics by Callum, Egil, Andreas.

Hitra I: Nordlys! (09/11/2018)

I have been waiting the whole season for proper Northern Lights. Finally! Friday night on Hitra was a blast.

Tromsø (30/10/2018)


Daylight saving time (29/10/2018)

Little firefly fascinated by the sound of the ice.

Brrr (28/10/2018)

10am infront of our kitchen window. Brrbrrbrr.


Snøøø (27/10/2018)

Norsk Buhund treff (21/10/2018)

Good morning! (18/10/2018)


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